Amrutha Ahaaram | Dr Khader Vali, the food items made of Millets,

On 15th October 2018, International Chef Day Celebrations were held at Pragati Resorts. More than 40 renowned Chefs of the Hyderabad region participated in the Celebrations. Dr G.B.K Rao welcomed the Chefs to Pragati Resorts, and wanted all Chefs to meet only at Pragati for every International Chef Day. As advocated by Dr Khader Vali, the food items made of Millets, Herbal Decoctions, Wooden cold press oils and Palm jaggery were prepared by Chefs. It was mentioned how we have forgotten our healthy food practices as existed 750 years ago, with the Chefs’ responsibility to rediscover our ancient healthy foods and bring health, happiness, peace and joy to the present and future generations. 

Amrutha Ahaaram 

All the farmers from the local villages attended this training program. Mr. Baalan, the team member of Dr Khader Valli (Independent Scientist, Millets Expert) Mysore took the lead and conducted the Training Program.

Country Food.. Complete Health | Millets | Siri Dhanyalu – Herbal Decoctions (Kashayalu) 

Dr G.B.K Rao
Chairman & Managing Director
Pragati Group

91333 35703

Pragati was established in 1994 includes 18 villages. This was a NO-GO Area
of dry and arid land, earlier a limestone quarry where trees were cut, the sand
and lime were dug-up and sold on auction basis. We have transformed
Pragati into a globally renowned man-made Biodiversity Knowledge Park.
Pragati spread over 2500 acres has more than 800 varieties of herbal and
medicinal plants, sacred vanams and heritage cows. The Pragati Biodiversity
Knowledge Park brings to light the Bharatiya Rishi Samskriti and Vedic living
practices, and visited by scores of national and international visitors received
many awards but never any rewards.
